Matthew is currently working on his Craftsman Activity Badge for Webelos. He decided to make a necktie rack. We came up with a design that was right up his alley. The Glock Firearms Logo.
Here is Matthew with the logo penciled on the wood.(Oak)

After we cut the corners off with a jigsaw.

We got a little carried away and forgot to take the next picture, so here it is after the edges and logo were routered and the holes for the necktie pegs drilled.

Stain has been applied....

Logo has been painted....

Pegs inserted.....

Matthew is very happy with his new necktie rack! Some of you may be many neckties can a 10 year old have? Matthew has about half a dozen.

Matthew did the majority of the work on this project, with dad supervising the use of the power tools. Matthew routered the entire logo and most of the edges. He drilled 5 of the 7 holes for the pegs and wore his elbow out sanding.