For the past couple of years, I've had the opportunity to go out on the Washington coast and do some salmon fishing and a bit a crabbing. We always go during the second week of August. We head out to the coast the evening before we are going fishing and the next morning at O'Dark thirty, we are on the boat, heading out to sea. There are generally about 8-10 of us and the charter boat can handle 16. It's nice not having a full boat!
First, we catch the fish.....
Then the deckhand cleans the fish...(Don't worry, we tipped him well!)

On the way in, we pull up the crab pots and see what crawled in.....
Generally, we were pretty lucky and the crab were plentiful. Very tasty too!

This crab insisted on having his picture taken with me..... :)
Ummm, ummmm, ummmmmm, makes my mouth water just looking at the fish and crabs!!! Sounds and looks as if you had a great time. Weather even cooperated!!!
Man oh man, I can SMELL the sea. Homesick. Yep. And aren't those bright shiny fish - nothing like FRESH salmon! Unless it's fresh crab, the way my brother Terry cooks them - one of his secrets is using fresh seawater. I've eaten his incomperable crab until I was almost sick - yumm-o! Thanks for sharing the fun pics. Hope you guys like salmon - otherwise, I'll arrange my next trip for about the time your boat gets back to the dock...
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