Today I completed the second row of blocks. I wasn't as lucky this time, since the top row is a bit smaller in diameter than the bottom row, but I improvised with a rock from the yard to fill the gap.
Well, as I began to get closer and closer to completing the circle of retaining wall blocks, I started to get nervous that when the blocks finally met, they would be slightly out of level, or I would have way too much space for the last block, or way too little space. (or both!) Miraculously, when I got to the last block, it was perfectly level and exactly the right size to complete the circle. I was in shock! (but very, very happy!)
Now I just need to dig all of the rocks out, add the second story of retaining wall blocks, bring in some nice fertile 3-way with fertilizer and we'll be ready to plant something!
Funny how once in a while things just work out perfectly! What are you going to plant???
LOVEEEE the look of this vegetable bed. It's the most perfect circle I think I've ever seen ;)
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